The Lions movement 100 years

In stock: 51 Items
Issue date:29.04.2017
Designer:Vladimir Taiger
Stamp zone:Other stamps
Stamp type:Classical
0.65 €
Lions Clubs international, the biggest charitable organization of the world that received its beginning from Chicago on June 7 1917, marks this year its 100th anniversary. The aim of the movement is to help above all persons that need help in the local community but also to assist victims of worldwide natural catastrophes and to promote developing countries' health care. The organization gathers all people with good will and by today it has 1.4 million members in more than 46 thousand clubs on five continents. During the 100 years the lions have won recognition and gratitude for supporting people in need in nearly 210 countries. The movement arrived in Estonia 28 years ago from Finland. Today there are 61 clubs all over Estonia, a total of nearly 1300 members, and so it is the biggest Estonian club-type charitable organization. The clubs deal with various assistance projects, but the main emphasis is on projects mainly related to the wellbeing of children. There is close cooperation with local communities, with the union of children of large families, with the SOS Childrens Village, with the union of people with mobility impairment, etc. The Lions have helped people in need also by means of different TV shows, e.g "Kodutunne" and "Jõulutunnel". The Estonian Lions Clubs helped to buy a new bus for the "Maarja Village", a place for children with intellectual disability. The delivery will take place on 28th April this year. Lions Clubs international, the biggest charitable organization of the world that received its beginning from Chicago on June 7 1917, marks this year its 100th anniversary. The aim of the movement is to help above all persons that need help in the local community but also to assist victims of worldwide natural catastrophes and to promote developing countries' health care. The organization gathers all people with good will and by today it has 1.4 million members in more than 46 thousand clubs on five continents. During the 100 years the lions have won recognition and gratitude for supporting people in need in nearly 210 countries. The movement arrived in Estonia 28 years ago from Finland. Today there are 61 clubs all over Estonia, a total of nearly 1300 members, and so it is the biggest Estonian club-type charitable organization. The clubs deal with various assistance projects, but the main emphasis is on projects mainly related to the wellbeing of children. There is close cooperation with local communities, with the union of children of large families, with the SOS Childrens Village, with the union of people with mobility impairment, etc. The Lions have helped people in need also by means of different TV shows, e.g "Kodutunne" and "Jõulutunnel". The Estonian Lions Clubs helped to buy a new bus for the "Maarja Village", a place for children with intellectual disability. The delivery will take place on 28th April this year.
Product Details

Data sheet

Quantity issued
13 : 13
AS Vaba Maa
5 x 4
44.64 x 37.00 mm
Primary theme
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